Sunday, December 19, 2010

Friends and Comedy Don't Often Mix

In March I met a man from Belfast. He seemed like quite the violent and aggresive sort of person I needed to move my idea of a virtual comedy club along. I teamed up with him in September of 2010. At the start we had a simple idea, "to provide local comedians with a regular evening where they would be able to hone their skills in stand-up comedy." Eventually, the idea turned into something like, "let's run over everybody in town getting to our next gig." Quality went totally down the tubes and everyone was in a dog-eat-dog mood. An organization cannot survive long after the founders are less than friends. All it takes to end an inspiring project (or at least a partnership) is a drunken late-night rant directed at you by your "partner" in the organization. After our little "chat" I decided that it was time to take back to it's roots. I plan on starting 2011 with a well-defined concept for with only one rule in mind, my way or the highway. No more partnerships, no more boards of directors. They cliche goes that to get something done you have to do it yourself. Well it seems, that instead of looking for a "partner" I should've just gotten off my ass and talked to some venue owners on my own. However I guess I needed to be convinved by someone else first.

Happy New Year to everyone, and wish me luck as I carry into a new era in 2011.


LoneWolf X said...

Glad you came out enlightened. I've kept a bit of arms length because of what I've observed and if you are rolling up your sleeves, I would still like to help.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there buddy! I totally understand your frustrations... I went it alone this year and I was more productive than ever.