Thursday, February 4, 2010

Audition Week

I am having a great week auditioning. I have managed to score three auditions this week. The first one was for a commercial for the bank BPH. They were looking for smart/business people so I showed up in a sweater and made an ass of myself. Needless to say, no one called be back for a chance to appear in the ad. The next audition was for the Szymon Majewski Show. Both of the auditions took place in the same building, at a company called "[...]One". I didn't think I would make any headway in either of the auditions, however on Tuesday I managed to get a call-back audition for the Szymon Majewski Show. I went to the headquarters of the production company in charge of the show. There I ran into a man named Piotr, who was the first one to show up. Eventually a 7 people showed up for the call-back. We calculated that about 90 people were in the first audition, so some of us took that as a sort of small victory. A few people voiced the opinion, "At least were better than the 93 people who didn't get call backs." However I wasn't so happy about it. The fact that only 90 people showed up made me realize that the casting process was far from over. When I checked out the web site, I was a bit distraught to discover that they are asking for submissions for talent all the way up to the end of February. The audition involved some screen tests taken in a small conference room, and some "on the street" interviews in the mall below the office. I didn't think that my performance in either segment was anywhere near my abilities, however I haven't really figured out the language (Polish) yet, and feel I may never reach the same proficiency in it that I have in English. At the end, the last thing anyone said to me at the company was something quite lame, "Um, how do they say... I'll call you!" I felt a bit like puking at that moment, as that is just about the lamest statement to make to someone. I am excited however, because there is always another audition to conquer, on Saturday I am due to "try-out" for a dating show.

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