Saturday, March 5, 2011

Comedy in Warsaw: An Update

Today in Warsaw you can attend the Stand-up comedy shows of two groups of comedians, Stand-up Polska and Beyond that you can check out shows by one of the two Improv troupes in Warsaw Klancyk and Ab Ovo.

Beyond that there is little choice. We know from evolution that having a small initial set can lead to a degradation in quality, is this the same for entertainment? Perhaps it would be healthy for more people to participate in the live comedy entertainment industry in Warsaw.

I have been calling for months to start a Warsaw-based Improv troupe, but the response has been rather minimal. Some people can keep watching the same comedian on stage night after night. I on the other hand like variety. Warsaw, at least today, seems to lack any genuine variety in Comedy.

Perhaps the EU can grant some money to an organization that will generate interest in Stand-up comedy, and Improv comedy, and sketch.

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